Bad drawing by educated avante-garde artists is a sign of homage to Cezanne. like a population of Castillian Spaniards who developed a lisp so their youthful handicapped king would not feel damaged because of his speech defect, his lisp. Great draughtsmen / women have been hiding their gifts since 1905. It has simply not been cool to be a sublime *draughtsman but most artists who have been touched by angels will go through a brief phase demonstrating their mastery and then drink the Kool Aid and klunk it up. * Draughtsman: a man or woman who draws in the realm of fine art not one who labors in an architect or engineer's office - these are draftsmen. Drawers are knickers are underpants
"Bad" drawing: Drawing by someone who has natural or hard-won drawing skill who chooses to downplay or hide this skill in order to signify obeisance to the norms of twentieth century art.